Over the past year we have worked with the Scottish House of Care Programme to evaluate the impact of their work.

The House of Care Programme is a partnership between:

The House of Care Programme aims to transform primary care to focus on what matters to people. It is part of a family of approaches seeking to shift health and social care to more preventative, personal outcome focused, person centred and asset-based approaches. We are delighted to share our final evaluation report from this work.

picture of a report front cover

Read the report

From fixer to facilitator: evaluation of the House of Care Programme in Scotland

Download (pdf)

Our evaluation approach

The evaluation was carried out using the Matter of Focus approach, a tried and tested, theory based approach to understanding the contribution a programme has made to improved outcomes.

The approach is specifically designed to evaluate complex, people-based interventions such as the House of Care where it is not possible to simply measure the difference made.

Sharing the findings

In October 2020 we hosted an interactive webinar to hear from different stakeholders involved in the evaluation. Watch the recording here:

You may also be interested to watch the recording of a webinar we hosted with Lothian House of Care in March 2020, in which we talk about the findings from their local evaluation, also carried out using the Matter of Focus approach. Watch the recording here.