Green Health Prescribing is an approach that supports people to engage in nature-based activities which offer solutions to improve physical and mental health outcomes, as well as reducing social isolation and improving community cohesion.
The aims of this evaluation were to use the available data and evidence to understand the Project’s ability to:
- Embed a sustainable prescribing model within primary health care settings
- Ensure that the work is targeted toward people who can most benefit from green health activity.
This report sets out the background and development of the Midlothian Green Health Prescribing Project. It presents a summary of the key learnings and impacts of this work based on evidence gathered by the project stakeholders and through additional data collection.
A series of next steps were also identified by the project team, to progress this work further in Midlothian and spread the approach to other areas.

You can also view this report on the NHS Lothian Green Health website, where you can find out more information about their work.