The Dementia Training team was established in 2019, funded by the Life Changes Trust and the Robertson Trust, to build on Age Scotland‘s previous projects relating to dementia. They focused on building understanding about dementia and its impacts, and how services can improve their practice to better serve the needs of people affected by dementia.
Matter of Focus initially worked with the Dementia Training team to create an outcome map for this project in 2019. The Dementia Training team have been using OutNav ever since to track and assess their progress towards outcomes. Building in evaluation from the start of the project has been particularly important as the team have had to adapt their work several times in response to pressures from COVID. Using OutNav has enabled them to evidence the impact of these decisions and tell the story of the evolution of this training.
This new report, produced by Matter of Focus alongside Age Scotland and the Dementia Training team, details how the project has developed in its third year, drawing on evidence collected by the team throughout their work. The report shows that the training has achieved incredible reach and has been highly evaluated by participants. There are many examples of people and organisations putting the learning into practice to improve the lives of people with dementia and their unpaid carers.
Visit the Age Scotland website to learn more about their Dementia Training programme.
Download the report

Age Scotland’s Dementia Training: Building a community of learning together
End of Year 3 Summary Report; produced by Grace Robertson and Dr Ailsa Cook, Matter of Focus; November 2022
Download the PDF