Who we are

This privacy policy notice is for the website www.matter-of-focus.com served by Matter of Focus: Evidence, Action, Change Ltd. and governs the privacy of those who use it. The purpose of this policy is to explain to you how we control, process, handle and protect your personal information while browsing or using this website and if you sign up to receive Matter of Focus emails. If you do not agree to the following policy you may wish to cease viewing/using this website.

1. Personal information we collect about you from our website

1.1 Cookies

We use cookies on this website to provide you with a better user experience. A cookie is a small text file transferred to your device / computer to allow your browser to remember information about your last session on that website. Your device only shares information in the cookie with the specific website that provided it, and no other website can request that information. Cookies allow us to track how users navigate around and interact with the website, and to gather demographic information about our user base as a whole. 

www.matter-of-focus.com collects and temporarily stores certain information about your visit to help us to better align our content and the website design with your needs. The information these cookies collect includes:

  • The domain you access our website from
  • Your computer’s IP address
  • The date and time you accessed the site
  • The operating system of your computer
  • The browser you’re using to access our site
  • The Universal Resource Locators (URLs) of the pages you visit on our website
  • The URL of site you came from, if you clicked a link there that brought you to our website
  • The URL of site you next went to, having left our website.

How we use this information

We use the third-party analytics services Google Analytics to gather this information for analysis.We use this information to produce aggregate visitor information activity reports which we use to inform our website content development. We do not link this automatically collected information to any personal data. 

Your control of this information

We use a cookie control system which allows you to accept the use of cookies, and control which cookies are saved to your device / computer. Some cookies will be saved for specific time periods, where others may last indefinitely. Your web browser should provide you with the controls to manage and delete cookies from your device, please see your web browser options.

Security of this information

Matter of Focus takes the security of your personal information seriously. We take a number of precautions to ensure that the information we collect is secure and inaccessible by anyone outside of our organisation. Your information is only accessed by internal employees responsible for maintaining our website, who are trained in our security and compliance policies. We use a number of modern security technologies to protect all data stored on our servers and related systems like secure socket layer (SSL), encryption, firewalls, and secure passwords. Our security measures are regularly upgraded and tested to ensure they are effective.

 1.2 Contact Form

If you contact us via our website contact form, we will use the information you provide only to respond to your enquiry, unless you are making an enquiry about working with us. In this case, we will store your contact information and enquiry in our CRM system.

2. Personal information we collect about you when you sign up to receive our marketing emails

  • Your name and email address
  • The sector you work in

Cookies served through our marketing emails managed by Insightly Inc.

We currently host our email mailing list with Insightly Inc.. Insightly Inc. automatically places single pixel gifs, also known as web beacons, in every email sent by Matter of Focus. These are tiny graphic files that contain unique identifiers that enable Insightly Inc. to recognize when our subscribers have opened an email or clicked certain links. These technologies record each subscriber’s email address, IP address, date, and time associated with each open and click for a campaign.  

How we use this information

When you opt-in to receive marketing emails from us, you are giving us permission to contact you at the email address which you have provided. We will send you emails with links to practical insights that we think you will find of interest and information about our services and software OutNav. We will also contact you with details of our webinars and events. At times we may seek further information from you about your interests, so that we can better target the information we send to you. If you subsequently register for and attend one of our events or webinars, this information will be recorded alongside your name and email address in Insightly.

Insightly Inc. use your cookie data to create reports for Matter of Focus about how an email campaign performed and what actions subscribers took. We use this information to understand what content our subscribers find most interesting and to inform decisions about future content to send.   

How long we retain this information about you

We will hold your email subscription information and activity while you remain opted-in to receive our emails. You can unsubscribe from our emails at any time by following the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each email. In line with our Information Governance Policies, should you unsubscribe from Matter of Focus emails, we will retain your email subscription information and activity for a period of seven years, after which we will delete all information we hold about you. You can request that all information we hold about you be deleted with immediate effect by contacting us in writing at info@matter-of-focus.com or at the postal address below.   

3. Personal information we collect about you when you register for one of our events or webinars

  • Your name and email address
  • The organisation you work for
  • Your job title
  • The sector you work in
  • Whether you have chosen to opt in to receive our marketing emails
  • Which event or webinar you registered for

The above information is held within Insightly, as described in Section 2.

How we use this information

We use the information you supply when registering for one of our free events or webinars to understand our audience. We also use the information to communicate with you about the event or webinar you registered for, including a single follow-up email. If you chose not to opt in to receive further marketing emails from us, then we will not send you further marketing emails. If you are already signed up to receive our marketing emails or opt in while registering for one of our events or webinars, please refer to Section 2 above.

How long we retain this information about you

We will hold your event or webinar registration information and activity for a period of seven years, after which we will delete all information we hold about you. You can request that all information we hold about you be deleted with immediate effect by contacting us in writing at info@matter-of-focus.com or at the postal address below.

Security of the information we hold about you

Insightly Inc. act as a Data Processor for Matter of Focus, who are the Data Controller. Insightly Inc.’s Data Processing Addendum, part of their standard terms of use, has been drafted to meet the requirements of the GDPR in order to enable the safe transfer of EEA/UK personal data to Insightly Inc. in the United States, and to permit Insightly Inc. to lawfully process that data on our behalf. You can view a copy of our signed Data Processing Agreement here: https://bit.ly/3rVqc2S

Your access to the information we hold about you

At the bottom of every mailing list email we send there will be a links that you can follow to unsubscribe from the list.

You have the right to request a copy of the information we hold by emailing us at info@matter-of-focus.com or writing to us at the address below.

You also have the right to request that all information we hold about you be deleted with immediate effect by contacting us in writing at info@matter-of-focus.com or at the postal address below. 

Links to other websites from our own

Third party websites that we link to from our own site will have their own independent privacy policies. We therefore cannot accept any liability for the content or activities of these sites. However, we do want to protect the integrity of our own site and would welcome any relevant feedback about the sites we link to.

Contact us

You can contact us in writing at Matter of Focus, CodeBase Edinburgh, 37a Castle Terrace, Edinburgh, EH1 2EL.

Please note, if you are an OutNav account holder, you are bound by our OutNav Terms and Conditions and OutNav Community mailing list policy.  

This policy was last reviewed and updated on 11/10/2023