Award-winning software to map, track and report on your progress towards the outcomes and impacts that matter.

OutNav is a secure, cloud-based software that makes outcome and impact tracking practical and meaningful for everyone. It is used by people across more than 180 public service organisations, for:

  • Evaluating projects and programmes at different scales

  • Tracking the impact of research and knowledge exchange work

  • Monitoring and performance management

  • Quality assurance

Visualise, understand and communicate your outcomes and impact.

OutNav is unique in the way it takes a visual approach to mapping outcomes and impact.

Build outcome maps and pathways to impact to meaningfully link your activities and deliverables to the outcomes you care about. The maps then become the foundation for tracking and reporting.

Illustration of two animated characters collaborating on a simplified online outcome map interface design with empty placeholder boxes and muted purple header bars. On the left, a character with purple tones and a ponytail holds a pencil, writing on a placeholder box in the outcome map. On the right, another character wearing glasses holds a yellow sticky note with a camera icon to illustrate photographic evidence, placing it on another placeholder box in the outcome map.

Work together to contribute the data you need about your journey towards outcomes and impact.

Work securely in the cloud on a shared outcome maps and bring clarity to who needs to contribute to build your outcome and impact story.

All your data, feedback and evidence in one place so you have everything you need to tell your story.

OutNav organises different kinds of data against your outcome maps so it is readily available for you to assess what it is telling you about your progress towards impact.

Link files on your own system to your OutNav projects to streamline processes and avoid version control issues.

Track your progress and build evidence of what difference you are making and how.

  • Analyse what your data and evidence is telling you and rate your progress and confidence in your evidence.
  • Quickly see where data is stronger or weaker and make plans to fill evidence gaps.
  • Change and adapt as evidence emerges and you learn about what is working well.

Report to stakeholders and funders directly and securely.

Time to report to funders or write the annual report?
Generate your evidenced-based story at a click of a button and share it privately or publicly.

Graphic showing an animated character in purple, wearing glasses, reviewing a digital report on a tablet. To the left, a stylized browser window with a dashboard of colorful status stepping stones within a simplified outcome map, connected to a padlock icon by a dashed arrow, symbolizing secure data transfer to the tablet screen displaying the same information.

Join a community of practical outcome and impact thinkers who care about making a difference.

Share your story and learn from others through our webinars and events.

Using OutNav was intrinsic to producing an impact report of quality and has also helped develop the impact and evaluation skills within our service.
Louise Hall
Impact & Evaluation Lead – Future Pathways
The tech side is very impressive … OutNav is just a dream.
Stephen Finlayson
Head of Innovation and Improvement, Penumbra

What do people use OutNav for?


Understand, learn and improve on an initiative or programme and report to funders and stakeholders on the difference you make.

Research impact assessment

Plan for, understand, evidence and track the impact of research on society and the economy.

Monitoring and performance management

Monitor progress against strategic aims and objectives, use OutNav to power a streamlined approach to monitoring or performance management at scale, including across multiple contracts or service areas.

Quality assurance

Track your quality assurance indicators, improve complaince with tracking of all of your services, report easily to inspectors and impress them with your impact and organisation.

If you’re curious about whether OutNav can help you, why not come along to one of our live demos sessions?
Find out more and register

How much does OutNav cost?

OutNav can be used at all scales, from single well-defined projects to organisations monitoring multiple projects and programmes. Annual pricing is based on the number of projects you hold in OutNav, with additional functionality at the large and enterprise scale.

All OutNav subscriptions currently include:

  • Unlimited users
  • Knowledge base and online support
  • Bookable help sessions
  • OutNav community

The first year’s OutNav subscription is usually sold with a package of consultancy tailored to your organisation’s needs.

1-2 Projects
Annually £1,200
Consultancy* from £3,500
3-5 Projects
Annually £2,400
Consultancy* from £5,000
6-10 Projects
Annually £4,800
Consultancy* from £10,000
11-20 Projects
  • Clone and link projects
Annually £7,800
Consultancy* from £13,000
21+ Projects
  • Clone and link projects
Bespoke annually from £11,000
Bespoke pricing for consultancy*, often over several phases

Prices exclude VAT.

*Typical consultancy (workshops and meetings tailored to your requirements) alongside the first year of an OutNav subscription. Depending on your requirements, the agreed consultancy might take place in phases, over a period of days, months or sometimes years.

If you require costs in a different currency, please contact us.

I’m blown away! I love what this creates in terms of a report.
Clare Bury
When I think about the evaluation, it is the picture of OutNav I have in my mind, of those boxes and columns and remembering what goes where. As soon as I had that to work with, then I had a centre point in the evaluation. I knew where my feet were, I knew where we were aiming and I knew what we needed in different places and I could start to tell the story.
Gill Toms
Research and Practice Development Officer, Developing Evidence Enriched Practice (DEEP)
It is a very useful piece of software that gives structure and coherence to the information that you collect, rather than just taking notes in a Word document, for example, or gathering data in a folder somewhere. It helps you sense-make and think holistically about your change process.
Karim Mahmoud
Commercial Innovation Lead, Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre
Learn more about OutNav in our Knowledge hub
More about OutNav