Are you leading or developing work in health or social care that has lived experience or peer support at its heart.
Concepts like coproduction, lived experience and peer support have gained enormous currency in health and social care over the past two decades but developing these approaches requires sensitivity, time and above all a willingness to learn from your experiences.
We offer consultancy and software to help you plan for and track the impact of your project or initiative.
Our practical and meaningful approach will help you understand and evaluate initiatives with lived experience or peer support at their heart.
Explore how and why change happens through lived experience, co-produced and peer approaches.
Build evaluation and learning into your lived experience and peer work.
Make the case for investing in these approaches.
Report to project funders using a theory driven approach to evaluation and learning.
The consultancy support and services we offer
Support to track your impact
We support projects, programmes and organisations to understand and track the impact of their lived experience, co-production or peer related work. We do this through a series of workshops and our software OutNav.
We initially support you to develop an outcome map that describes how you anticipate change happening through peer and lived experience approaches.
This approach is particularly well suited to describing how and why change happens through relationships, as seen in peer support approaches.
In our experience it can help people clearly describe both how and when change happens through lived experience and peer approaches and also the conditions which need to be present to nurture and build this sensitive work.
Independent evaluation services
We undertake independent evaluation of lived experience, coproduction and peer-approaches. We work with clients to design tailored methods that are sensitive to the nuance and complexity of learning from and supporting lived experience and peer approaches.
Software to help you plan for and track impact
OutNav is our innovative cloud-based software that underpins our approach to outcome monitoring and evaluation. It provides a platform to manage your own outcome evaluation and learning. It not only provides a place to hold the outcome maps that describe your lived experience and peer change stories but also supports you in planning and collecting data, with clear and professional reporting functions. Explore OutNav →
Recent work with clients

ImROC (Implementing Recovery through Organisational Change) is a global mental health development organisation. We led an independent evaluation of their Peer Support Training Programme which was published in 2023. We are now working with ImROC to build their capacity for internal evaluation, focusing initially on the evaluation of their Autism Peer Support Training.

Fife Voluntary Action
Fife Voluntary Action is the Third Sector Interface for Fife. We were the evaluation partners for a project called ‘From Struggle to Strength’ which supported people with lived experience of poverty or trauma because of poor mental health and/or unemployment to grow the voice of experience in both shaping and delivering services in Fife. The work was developed through supported volunteering in co-design of policy and services as well as increasing capacity for mental health peer support across Fife.

The Alliance
We have worked with The Health and Social Care Alliance to support their learning and evaluation on a number of different projects that have lived experience at their core. These have included work to explore and describe the experience and impact of lived experience advisory groups and evaluation support for the Scotland Reducing Gambling Harm project and its lived experience forum.