We were delighted to host this webinar as part of
DigiFest23‘s programme of Satellite Sessions.
You can watch the recording here.
Describing and evaluating the difference that digital and data-driven innovations make
Being able to describe and evaluate the difference that digital and data-driven innovations make is essential to ensuring they contribute to a more efficient and helpful health and care system and, ultimately, improved outcomes for people.
Digital transformation is a complex process that is as much about change management and service redesign as it is about IT.
Investing in digital transformation programmes can require substantial resources and can prove hard to implement in real world settings, especially when they must engage many people within a complex system. Capturing learning throughout the process and gathering evidence on effective approaches becomes crucial for scaling up transformation across the system.
Our essential lessons for evaluating digital transformation programmes in health and social care
At Matter of Focus we’ve had the pleasure of working with pioneering programmes developing new approaches to transforming health and social care systems to be more digitally enabled. From this work, we know that traditional approaches to evaluation can be hard to operationalise in the context of these complex projects and can miss some of the key factors that create the conditions for impact.
Through our work, we have identified essential lessons that any organisation looking to evaluate digital transformation programmes in health and social care should consider. Join us at this webinar to learn more.
What this webinar covers
In this webinar we share key lessons from our work evaluating transformation programmes, including:
- Why it’s important to embed evaluation throughout the transformation process, evaluating process and outcomes.
- The value of creating a theory of change for the programme that ensures everyone involved has a shared understanding of how their work contributes to improving outcomes for people and the wider system.
- Why it’s essential to pay attention to the context for implementation and capture and account for how wider factors are shaping the change process.
- The time it takes for impacts to emerge from these programmes and the importance of capturing evidence about changes to the context for innovation that allow change to be embedded and sustained.
- The benefits of building on existing frameworks and standards for service design and digital implementation in assessing quality and effectiveness.
We were delighted to be joined by Karim Mahmoud from the Digital Health and Care Innovation Centre who shared experiences of embedding evaluation into the Rural Centre of Excellence for Digital Health and Care in Moray.
Watch the webinar
This webinar was held live on 6 December 2023. It was presented by Dr Ailsa Cook and chaired by Bouchra Atkinson, with special guest speaker Karim Mahmoud, Commercial Innovation Lead at the Digital Health and Care Innovation Centre.