Who are these demo sessions for?
If you are curious about whether OutNav can help your initiative understand and track the outcomes and impacts that matter, our live demo sessions are for you.
(If you have accepted an invitation to join OutNav and are looking for help with the tool or our approach, please log into OutNav and follow the link to book an online help session with a member of our team, who will gladly give you an orientation session or help with any challenges.)
What to expect
These sessions are hosted by one of our evaluation consultants. The format is a Teams meeting, which means that everyone in the ‘room’ is visible to each other. You are welcome to have your camera on or off – there’s no expectation. For privacy and so that you can feel free to talk about your work, we do not record these sessions.
You don’t need a Teams account to attend this session. If you need more information about this, please visit this Microsoft Teams help page.
What we cover
- The approach behind OutNav
- How OutNav is used at different levels, from simple project outcome monitoring and evaluation, programme evaluation, understanding organisational impact, to multi-partnership strategic implementation.
- The main features of OutNav:
- Outcome and impact mapping: reach a shared understanding of your theory of change
- Tracking: assess your data and evidence and quickly visualise your progress
- Reporting: easily share reports with key stakeholders, collaborators and funders.
There is an opportunity to ask questions or have an informal chat.
There is no hard sell: we’re interested to hear about your work and would only recommend our approach and OutNav where there is a clear benefit to you.
When is the next live demo?
If you’d like to explore OutNav before our next scheduled demo, we’re always happy to arrange an individual call. Please contact us to arrange this.
Thursday, 10 April 2025 at 4pm BST (~45 minutes)